In this prose-poem Catherine Onekalit painfully recalls the death of her cousin, Odong, and the desperate plight of countless others.
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Nonviolent Soldier of Islam: Badshah Khan. A Man to Match the Mountains, By Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, 2002 (Second Edition). At a time when Islam is becoming increasingly and thoughtlessly associated with terrorism, and has come to replace the “menace of Communism”, one author has reissued his book on the
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Comments on Author: Peng Ren Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 06/02/2008 Category: Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, After reading the article entitled China’s Death Grip on Tibet in last month’s Peace and Conflict Monitor, there are several points I would like to make regarding the accuracy
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At its best Contemporary Peacemaking treads the uneasy terrain between theory and practice, forging the types of links that are absolutely essential for the comparative work the editors quite clearly believe is of use for peace processes. There is much work to be done in this zone between the
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Depleted Uranium not a factor in Iraqi food insecurity Author: Roger Helbig Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/15/2008 Category: Letters to the Editor Ross, There is no munition “tipped with depleted uranium” — there are kinetic energy penetrator rounds that are solid small diameter rods of DU
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I recently attended the Nairobi Summit, the First Review Conference of the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. There are nations that stayed away. It is a shame.
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Derechos y libertades: 60 Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos Author: Oscar Álvarez Araya Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/06/2008 Category: Comment En el Preámbulo de la Declaración se consideró que “el desconocimiento y el menosprecio de los derechos humanos ha originado actos de
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Those pesky moral standards Author: Biljana Vankovska Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 07/12/2005 According to a wise man, morality consists of drawing a line at some point. Indeed, this is a personal attempt to talk publicly on drawing one particular line, i.e. to share with you my
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"Small island communities are among those most vulnerable to the security risks of climate change," writes Larson. The rising oceans create a host of problems, including destruction of farmland, salination of water tables, and coastal erosion. But these individual island communities are teaming up, and "As 'low-power' actors, [they] are
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El derecho a la democracia Author: Oscar Álvarez Araya Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 08/29/2008 Category: Comment Los pueblos de América tienen derecho a la democracia que debe ser la única forma legítima de gobierno en nuestro continente. El proceso de Cumbres de las Américas se ha
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