Climate change can also be an opportunity to promote more ecological living.
Climate change can also be an opportunity to promote more ecological living.
PARLATINO and its role in the advancement of Human Rights in the Region
PARLATINO and its role in the advancement of Human Rights in the Region
The United Nations and the strengthening of international law and justice in an insecure world
The United Nations and the strengthening of international law and justice in an insecure world
Emergency food aid: A hindrance to achieving community food security in Ciudad Colon?
Emergency food aid: A hindrance to achieving community food security in Ciudad Colon?
Conflict in Mali
Conflict in Mali
Managed Retreat or Forced Displacement? Conservation and Conflict in the Sundarbans
Managed Retreat or Forced Displacement? Conservation and Conflict in the Sundarbans
In the weeks leading up to the 2010 Costa Rican election, outgoing President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oscar Arias Sanchez visited the students, staff, and faculty of the University for Peace, marking the official inauguration of UPEACE's 30th anniversary celebrations. In his address, President Arias emphasizes the social and political
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Stephanie Knox Cubbon gives some historical background and theoretical context to the Dr. Hungwa Memorial Peace Education Program, an important new initiaive to build a culture of peace through education and professional training. Key words: peace education, teachers without borders, Paulo Freire, violence, culture
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The hard struggle against British rule was marred by the division of a united India. Millions are said to have moved across the borders and lakhs of people lost their lives. This was an irreparable loss for the subcontinent. We can’t undo the partition, which is now a reality. We
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Pablo Richard discusses the crisis of credibility facing the Church in the wake of ongoing paedophilia scandals.
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Nicole Loschke reflects on her family's hardships while trying to achieve the "American Dream." Loschke challenges the call of U.S. President Barrack Obama one year ago, chanting "Yes we can" with the American people. Finally, she drafts a letter to President Obama asking about the promised change and the world's
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Mary Wade returned to the U.S. after 35 years living abroad. Upon returning she observed the changing attitudes of inner-city youth. She noticed the violence, aggression, drug use and abundance of weapons. In an effort to change the negative path these youth are choosing Wade established BRIC, a youth program
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Key Words: Nepal, UNHCR 1325, Security Sector Reform, Gender, Peacebuilding
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Anne Dehollain and Hyunmin Kang take opposite standpoints on the question of Security Council reform, having been asked to argue for or against, giving due consideration to the legal and political issues at hand.
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