El coronel tiene quien le escriba Autor: José Roberto Padilla Rivera Traducido al inglés por Ana Elena Acon Universidad para la Paz. San José, Costa Rica. 18 de mayo de 2021 Coronel, Destacamento militar de las fuerzas revolucionarias en el litoral Atlántico Dueño del mejor gallo del Departamento. En algún
Positive Peace: A Quantitative Approach to Peacebuilding The Executive Director of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) (USA), Michael Collins gave a talk entitled “Positive Peace: A Quantitative Approach to Peacebuilding” as part of the optional course offered by the University for Peace, Peacebuilding, Organized Crime, and State Fragility.
Waging Peace On Hunger Author: Frederick Livingston Translated into Spanish by Gilma Cristina Sánchez Cossio There has always been enough. Therein lies the tragedy of a world where almost 1 billion people go hungry, while twice that number suffer the health consequences of over-nutrition (Popkin, 2017). Despite centuries of famine
Hoist your white flags of peace, but do it tactically! Reflections on nonviolent actions during the referendum of the Colombian Peace agreement of 2016 Author: Felipe García Arias Translated into Spanish by Silvana Gordillo González On October 2 of 2016 the national referendum to approve or reject the peace agreements
Entrevista con Dra. Manuela Mesa En esta edición de Ideas for Peace, te presentamos la entrevista que hicimos con la doctora Manuela Mesa en 2019. La Prof. Mesa es Co-Directora del Instituto Universitario sobre Derechos Humanos, Democracia, Cultura de Paz y no violencia (DEMOSPAZ) en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
La profesora Lesya Sabada explica como las creencias religiosas se relacionan con la protección del medio ambiente, la construcción de paz y el desarrollo sostenible
In the race for getting audience attention during an era of compassion fatigue, cooperation between journalists and NGOs is not only beneficial for both parties, but it also contributes to peacebuilding efforts by improving human rights reporting, facilitating aid granting, and enabling change in the mainstream media’s violence-oriented journalistic model.
Ouided Bouchamaou discute educación y paz. Considera el impacto de las tragedias y sostiene que la educación es la herramienta más poderosa para alcanzar la paz