El coronel tiene quien le escriba Autor: José Roberto Padilla Rivera Traducido al inglés por Ana Elena Acon Universidad para la Paz. San José, Costa Rica. 18 de mayo de 2021 Coronel, Destacamento militar de las fuerzas revolucionarias en el litoral Atlántico Dueño del mejor gallo del Departamento. En algún
Entrevista con Dra. Manuela Mesa En esta edición de Ideas for Peace, te presentamos la entrevista que hicimos con la doctora Manuela Mesa en 2019. La Prof. Mesa es Co-Directora del Instituto Universitario sobre Derechos Humanos, Democracia, Cultura de Paz y no violencia (DEMOSPAZ) en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Peace in whatever way it is perceived has remained both an aspiration and challenge in post-war international order. The combined effect of this struggle has led to constant engagement with and search for durable solutions to conflicts wherever they occur. Despite international interventions attempting to address the conflict in Darfur,
Mahmoud Abdou explores the history and implications of political disunity among Palestinian leadership, arguing that a united Palestine is an essential step toward peace for everyone in the region.
This article discusses the potential of African mechanisms for peace, especially the African Union's Peace and Security Council, to prevent, manage, and resolve violent conflict on the continent, both within and between states. While various criticisms and challenges are discussed, the author ends on an optimistic note and makes a
Separation of the Sudan into the Republic of Sudan (North) and the Republic of Southern Sudan (South) was globally extolled as the long-lasting solution to one of the longest civil wars in post-Colonial Africa. However, recent developments in Sudan: continued clashes between north and south, crises in the contested areas
Pre-existing ethnic and economic divisions between Bougainville and the rest of Papua New Guinea and the mismanagement of the copper wealth of the Panguna Mine exacerbated existing tensions and provided radical Bougainvilleans an excuse to legitimise the pursuit of violence as a means to resolve their grievances. This article examines
Monica Paniagua reports on her recent trip to Myanmar to support the ongoing peace process. In this article, she also reflects on the still-troubling human rights situation in the country and the recent economic and political changes that continue to be a source of cautious optimism.