Democracia y participación en el proceso de paz colombiano: una oportunidad a la paz postliberal Autor: Mauricio Abraham Rosales Schettini El conflicto armado colombiano fue de los más prolongados y tardíos en llegar a una fase de negociación entre las partes para ponerle fin. Con más de 50 años de
El coronel tiene quien le escriba Autor: José Roberto Padilla Rivera Traducido al inglés por Ana Elena Acon Universidad para la Paz. San José, Costa Rica. 18 de mayo de 2021 Coronel, Destacamento militar de las fuerzas revolucionarias en el litoral Atlántico Dueño del mejor gallo del Departamento. En algún
Entrevista con Dra. Manuela Mesa En esta edición de Ideas for Peace, te presentamos la entrevista que hicimos con la doctora Manuela Mesa en 2019. La Prof. Mesa es Co-Directora del Instituto Universitario sobre Derechos Humanos, Democracia, Cultura de Paz y no violencia (DEMOSPAZ) en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
The turbulent history of modern Sudan is about to enter a new chapter as South Sudan prepares for its emergence as an independent state in just a few weeks. Highlighting tensions left unresolved by the 2005 peace agreement, recent actions of the Northern government, as well as economic inequalities and
Separation of the Sudan into the Republic of Sudan (North) and the Republic of Southern Sudan (South) was globally extolled as the long-lasting solution to one of the longest civil wars in post-Colonial Africa. However, recent developments in Sudan: continued clashes between north and south, crises in the contested areas
In the first of a two-part series, researcher Paula LeRoy discusses several ways in which poverty and violence interact in El Salvador. Of particular emphasis in this analysis is the inadequate fulfilment of the 1992 Peace Accords. The companion article (forthcoming) will assess the viability of potential responses to the
ECOWAS and Intrastate Conflict Mediation in West Africa: The Case of Cote d’Ivoire Author: Dramane Ouattara Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 10/04/2016 “If we all make a small effort, not necessarily on a daily basis but at least on a weekly basis to be nicer to our