Prácticas restaurativas: el rol de la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) Autor: Mauricio Abraham Rosales Schettini Traducido al inglés por Leah Ann Durst-Lee Luego de un Conflicto Armado Interno (CAI) de 36 años (1960-1996) los acuerdos de paz en Guatemala supusieron la llegada de un nuevo capítulo
General Rios Montt whose human rights record after he seized power in Guatemala in 1982 was truly appalling. It had been hoped that since 1999 the chances of a growing and genuine democracy in that country was going to be good. Since Rios Montt announced his desire to return to
David Golding examines how the Guatemalan military specifically targeted maize and milpa in its operations during the 1970s and 80s. He argues that the objective of these campaigns was to subjugate Mayan cultural space and food production, previously autonomous, to state control under the guise of development.