El fin de la guerra en Siria no significa paz para los refugiados. La comunidad internacional debe enfocarse en la restructuración integral de la sociedad en post conflicto
In the wake of ongoing protests in the United States in demand for justice in the killing of a 46-year-old black man, George Floyd, at the hands of a white police officer, a social justice activist has insisted that the protests are legitimate. Jerry Locula highlights the historical racism and
Alphonse Nshimiyimana describes his work in his home country of Rwanda at the Center for Conflict Management funded largely by UNDP and where, understandably, there is much to be done.
How to rebuild societies after wars in order to achieve sustainable peace has been a key question in the international community since the end of the Cold War. With numerous interventions to halt intrastate conflicts and prevent a return to war, international practitioners and academics alike have sought clear answers