Este artículo evalúa la influencia de la retórica de la seguridad humana a través del caso de los pueblo indígenas en Mindanao y explora cómo incluirlo en intervenciones futuras
Este artículo compara la película de Netflix Sergio con la biografía publicada en 2008 que la inspiró. Ambas piecas cuentan la historia de la vida real de Sergio Vieira de Mello, el filósofo brasilero y diplomático de las Naciones Unidas
For this research, three pandemics Covid-19, The Black Death, and The Spanish Flu are studied to understand how religion has played a role during these pandemics.
La enfermedad del corona virus (COVID-19) surgió en Wuhna, China. Después de ser declarado como una Emergencia de Salud Pública de Carácter Internacional en Enero, COVID-19 fue anunciado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como una pandemia en marzo
From a University for Peace course entitled "Peace and Non-Violent Transformation of Conflict," this excerpt provides a basic introduction to Gandhi and his ideas. Gandhi never claimed to be infallible, and he viewed his ideas as experiments, not dogma.
Part of a course package produced by the Department for Gender and
Gandhi and the Impact of his Experiments, part II Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 05/12/2005 This excerpt is part two of a lecture from a University for Peace course entitled “Peace and Non-Violent Transformation of Conflict.” The lecture is an introduction to Gandhi and his ideas. To
Joe Schumacher quizzes Elizabeth Griffin of Essex University on her Amnesty International sponsored inquiry into Human Rights and the Justice system in Afghanistan. She argues for a bigger role for the UN and greater emphasis on security first.