Vacuna ¿Para todas las personas? Desigualdades estructurales en Latinoamérica Autor: Matías Mora Traducido al inglés por Gilma Cristina Sánchez Cossio El 31 de Diciembre del año 2020 (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2020) salió la noticia acerca del descubrimiento de la Vacuna contra el virus de Covid-19 de parte de
El coronel tiene quien le escriba Autor: José Roberto Padilla Rivera Traducido al inglés por Ana Elena Acon Universidad para la Paz. San José, Costa Rica. 18 de mayo de 2021 Coronel, Destacamento militar de las fuerzas revolucionarias en el litoral Atlántico Dueño del mejor gallo del Departamento. En algún
Sustainability and the faith in perpetual economic growth Author: Jan Breitling Translated into Spanish by Florencia Prieto Introduction Sustainable development is the dominant approach to tackle environmental and social crises since the Brundtland report of the WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) in 1987, where the term was officially
Reflections on Ecological Civilization in China Author: Sifan Jiang Translated into Spanish by Silvana Gordillo González Ecological Civilization with Chinese Characteristics The philosophy of Ecological Civilization has deep cultural roots in China. There were already ideas of protecting viviparous and oviparous animals for sustainable use, as well as the law
Educación virtual a través de la plataforma Teams: ¿Es inclusiva? Autora: Katherine Fernández Rojas Traducido al inglés por Florencia Prieto La apuesta por una educación virtual en tiempos de pandemia La pandemia COVID-19 ha traído consigo cambios de manera impensable alrededor del mundo. ¿Estaban las personas preparadas para todos los
Waging Peace On Hunger Author: Frederick Livingston Translated into Spanish by Gilma Cristina Sánchez Cossio There has always been enough. Therein lies the tragedy of a world where almost 1 billion people go hungry, while twice that number suffer the health consequences of over-nutrition (Popkin, 2017). Despite centuries of famine
The Venezuelan conflict is not about ideology, is about democracy, oil, and power Author: Diego Bautista Translated into Spanish by Silvana Gordillo González It is not about ideology “I question where are the flags of the Social Democracy and Social Christianism parties and how can they be against this Bolivarian
While it may take a gargantuan effort, it is not far-fetched that ASEAN member-states can eventually find consensus on creating a regional human rights court. The incorporation of human rights provisions in the ASEAN Charter and the establishment of the AICHR are themselves strong indications that it is possible.
Fighting for a New Culture. How Activism is Needed to Gain Peace in the Fight Against Sexual Violence Author: Kolfinna Tómasdóttir Translated into Spanish by Ana Elena Acon “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever
Hoist your white flags of peace, but do it tactically! Reflections on nonviolent actions during the referendum of the Colombian Peace agreement of 2016 Author: Felipe García Arias Translated into Spanish by Silvana Gordillo González On October 2 of 2016 the national referendum to approve or reject the peace agreements