Title: Getting the Truth out of Truth Commissions: Lessons Learned from Five Case Studies

Author(s): Johannes Langer (editor), Miguel Barreto Henriques, Pedro Valenzuela

Publisher: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2018

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An additional tally for the Left. Correa, a young economist endorsed by Venezuela’s Chavez, won the run-off elections in Ecuador 26 November 2006. Although he’ll will swear-in with little or no dispute over the election results, Ecuador’s presidency can appropriately be compared to the unkept roads that clamber through the
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From Vienna to New York: Diverging attitudes and expectations among NPT members spell trouble for the 2015 NPT Review
The resurgence of Cold War style rhetoric between Russia and “the West”, ongoing concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program, a still elusive nuclear deal with Iran, and the recurrent fear of nuclear-armed non-state actors all stand as stark reminders that humanity still lives with the unacceptable risk of nuclear war.
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Cameroon’s Culture Challenge Author: Marcel Fomotar Originally published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 09/28/2006 In Cameroon, culture has been one of the root causes in most, if not all, conflicts that have existed and continue to exist. It is very important to first understand what culture is and how
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Southern Cameroons nationalists continue with their efforts in an attempt to secure a sovereign state, despite the daunting reality of human rights abuse and unprovoked killings that haunt communities living in the threatened region of the country. Without declared charges against them, victims continue to be held in prisons for
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Thinking the Unthinkable Author: Fraser Gray Originally published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 05/01/2006 Officially since 1967, and arguably before then, the US has considered Israel a key ally in the Middle East. As the primary, and by far the largest, recipient of US military aid and diplomatic support
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