Fifteen years after Rwandan Hutu massacred hundreds of thousands of their Tutsi countrymen, one survivor and the man who cut off her hand tell the horrible truth about the genocide and explain how, even with so much suffering between them, they eventually made peace.
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Carla Ortiz reflects on the emotional ups and downs, and the tangle of red tape facing visa applicants from so-called "restricted countries".
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Joe Schumacher interviews J. Paul Martin, executive director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University, New York Dr. Martin, together with Professor Louis Henkin (University Professor Emeritus/Special Service Professor, Columbia University), founded the Center in 1978, and has served as its executive director ever since.
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Peace Process in Sri-Lanka Stalls Author: Ravi R Prasad Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 09/20/2004 No war, no peace. This is how one can describe the current situation in the Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka. The hostilities between the government troops and the armed separatist guerrillas ended in February
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Pandora Hopkins reflects on the adsurdity of the 2008 US elections, offering some insight into the archetypal "warrior" and "clanmom" figures of John McCain and Sarah Palin. Hopkins writes: "My hope is that, by using a folkloric perspective—by examining the tales told by and about Sarah Palin and John McCain
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In this issue's editorial, Dr. Edith Natukunda-Togboa offers tam-tams and ululations as Professor Wangari Maathai joins the select club of Nobel Peace Laureates.
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A recent U.S. Air Force proposal suggests militarizing space. But why even consider opening up this can of giant, planet-orbiting, laser-firing worms?
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A significantly large number of young women in Tajikistan, and elsewhere in Central Asia, forced into marriage attempt suicide by setting themselves alight. The author explains why.
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Fomotar provides an assessment of social biases in the Hollywood movie circuit. An overview of the historical underpinning sets the stage for the misrepresentation of blacks, women, and homosexuals. Navigating through the philosophical and the sociological, Fomotar brings certain criticisms to Hollywood's doorstep.
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The twentieth century witnessed systematic, state-sponsored killings of specific ethnic, nationalist, or religious groups across continents and cultures. Much can be learned from the individual ideologies of hate and insecurity that led to each genocide, but as Habyarimana argues, they also share significant similarities. Ultimately, genocide is not a
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