Camilo Acero discusses the massive, peaceful protests in Colombia which were organized by Oscar Morales through a Facebook group called "One Million Voices Against the FARC." Approximately four million answered the call.
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Media freedom is virtually non-existent in the Arab World where freedom in the conventional sense is itself a mirage. But media freedom is now worth a story as things are changing, albeit slowly. The snail-paced changes being witnessed in the media scene, especially in the Arabian Gulf states where Sheikhdoms
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A new order is taking shape from North Africa to the Middle East; but as the dust settles down, will the quest for human dignity and democracy continue? Patrick Mugo Mugo analyzes what kind of governance system will win the hearts and minds of millions of the Arabic people: a
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Costa Rica has always emphasized environmental standards, however in the capital city of San Jose, this respect for the environment is hard to find. However, Fabrice Gernigon found one Costa Rican woman who didn't wait for new Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla to initiate cleaner policies for San Jose.
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Women's World is a global free speech network founded in 1994 to develop programmes to enable women to have a stronger public voice. They recently ran an essay contest "Women's Voices in War Zones" co-sponsored by the Nation Institute and supported by the Puffin Foundation. The essays were judged by
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This essay discusses the question of the complex relationship between international environmental governance, sometimes referred to as “earth system governance”, and indigenous rights (section I). The two sets of norms, instruments and institutions are theoretically envisioned as complementary since they both incorporate the notion of the importance of protection of
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Somalia has been making political and economic progress recently, with an age of peace and prosperity seemingly on the horizon. What is necessary now, according to the author, is for the Somali people to put aside the division and depression left over from years of traumatic conflict and insecurity and
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Joseph Agbor Effim studies embezzlement in Cameroon, arguing that the consequent suffering experienced by Cameroonians that follows renders it tantamount to a crime against humanity.
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Ecuador has long championed the struggle against colonialism and criticized exploitative neoliberal policies in Latin America, however, the government's continued support of resource extraction on Indigenous lands have led them to repress legitimate protest movements, and to violate key legal documents including the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
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Mahmoud Abdou explores the history and implications of political disunity among Palestinian leadership, arguing that a united Palestine is an essential step toward peace for everyone in the region.
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