UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon's address at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, Hiroshima (Japan) 06 August 2010
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Journalist Rob L. Wagner examines Saudi Arabia’s “soft” rehabilitation program to return Islamic extremists to the “true Islam.” Although the program in its seven-year history has suffered setbacks, its 10 percent recidivism rate points to potential long-term success. The program mixes religion and tough love to return reformed militants to
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Dr. Gao Lan, Director of Northeast Asian Studies Centre at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, examines the prospects for, and possible pathways to, reconciliation between China and Japan and for the creation of an East Asian Community via a comparison with Germany and France’s post-WWII reconciliation and the development
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George Ngwane reviews the context and outcomes of the AFRICAphonie Citizen Peace Building capacity project in the disputed Bakassi Peninsula in Cameroon. This project followed a Track II approach, building networks of individuals to complement official diplomatic efforts. This report discusses the background of the project, outlines several ongoing challenges
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Horace P. Nagbe reflects on his gendered identity constructed while growing up in Liberia. He then gives an historical account of the country´s violent past which gave rise to a change in his superior male perception: the efforts of the Women in Peacebuilding Network. This group of women recognized the
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RE: To Drive, or Not to Drive; Not a Question for Saudi Women Author: Rob L. Wagner Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 02/10/2010   Dear Editor: I read with growing alarm Jaclyn Nardone’s essay entitled “To Drive, or Not to Drive; Not a Question for Saudi Women.”
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Aditi Malhotra revisits the theory of nuclear deterrence in light of current trends including nuclear proliferation, increasing mulipolarity in global power, and terrorism. The article concludes that the cold war logic of nuclear deterrence cannot be used to justify continued development and maintenance of nuclear weapons systems.
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“For the rich to live on the backs of the poor, the poor need to have backs that will not break.” - Unknown Break this statement down into context. In the context of globalization, socio-economics, and social politics, this statement can be rewritten as: “To continue exploiting a resource, that resource must be
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This article focuses on the right of the Chechen people to self determination. It examines the legitimacy of the Chechens’ claim to self determination and assesses the policy actions of the Russian government toward the minority populations of the Caucasus. It also assesses the various aspects related to the legitimacy
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Thompson Ugiagbe analyzes the African Court of Justice and Human Rights by examining the court´s use of ratione materiae, ratione personae War and ratione temporis . After a careful examination of the challenges the court faces, including accessibility, accountability and unclear provisions, Ugiagbe stresses the need for the Court to
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