Helping Out Author: Sabrina Sideris Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 09/16/2005 Category: Interview The earthquake on December 26, 2004 that measured at least 9.0 in magnitude and the catastrophic tsunami that followed fifteen minutes later affected nine countries bordering the Indian Ocean and took at least 22,000
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Corporate America is now mobilizing itself to do its part for operation Iraqi freedom, having been assured by the US government that its role in Iraq is as vital to the Bush administration's vision for Iraq as the military's. George Bush has said that he envisions a 'US-Middle East free trade
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Regina Eddleman has spent the last six months in Africa working with youth programs that include HIV/AIDS peer education in Zimbabwe and peacebuilding and conflict prevention in Tanzania. In Zimbabwe she worked closely with the youth to facilitate discussions on HIV/AIDS related issues in local schools, assisted in training camps and
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Doing Good Author: Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/26/2004   Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Meeting the Challenges By Maria Lange and Mick Quinn, December 2003, International Alert   To the authors of this 28 pamphlet Do No Harm as a peg to hang humanitarian intervention is
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A young Israeli writing at the time of the Jewish New Year points out vividly how the Palestinians of today are behaving like the Israeli's of the pre-1948 generation. They are doing what has to be done.
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Piervincenzo Canale and Joseph Schumacher consider some of the seemingly intractable problems of religious symbolism and is thankful for the European Court in Strasbourg that may well have to adjudicate. Europe’s recent conniption fit over reconciling the demands of secularity, what it means to be a good ‘European’ and the aspirations
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The author asks the reader to consider how the car in the last 100 years has been responsible for turning an area of natural landscape in the U.S. the size of Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania into concrete or asphalt. To consider that it has been directly responsible for injuring 250
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Bangkok was the site for the 3rd World Conservation Union Congress – an event that occurs with Olympic frequency, the last one taking place in Jordan in the year 2000. Mohit Mukherjee records a success story.
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The UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan has recently submitted his Report to the United Nations General Assembly on the University for Peace.
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The editor remarks on current trends in militarism.
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