Ideas for Peace is an innovative initiative, designed by the University for Peace, to share ideas that contribute to peacebuilding on a global scale and we welcome submissions related to the general area of peace studies and related topics.
We publish articles, book reviews, photo essays, videos, and podcasts in English and Spanish. The file limit is 40MB and accepted file types are .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .ppt. For audio and video submissions please send us a link to the file.
Submission Guidelines:
- For articles, book reviews, and photo-essays: the word limit is between 500 and 2,500 words. We use in-text citations following APA, and when possible, hyperlinks. Please keep your title short (approx.10 words) as well as your paragraphs (approx.5-6 lines). Please include a brief excerpt and between 3-5 Keywords.
- For videos and podcasts: Please include a brief excerpt and between 3-5 Keywords.
- Please notice that we only publish new content. Thus, we do not accept articles that were already published in magazines, blogs, or journals.
For further information please contact