Ideas for Peace Series – The role of the United Nations in Venezuela Venezuela is going through one of the most complicated crises in the world. There is a constant and progressive deterioration of the legal and political institutions and the economic situation; which has increased social inequalities and poverty.
Ouided Bouchamaoui discusses education and peace. Considers the impacts of tragedies and argues that education is the most powerful tool for achieving peace
This research article will attempt to give a historical background and perspectives of both nation-states involved in the conflict; furthermore, the researcher will attempt to analyze the religious conflict between the two states, and their roles in conflict around the Persian Gulf, and finally, try to establish whether the conflict
This research aims at challenging these criticisms by targeting the local business leaders as units of analysis to understand their motivations and what factors influence different behaviours with respect to CSR, assuming that local leaders are relevant forces of change who can lead towards the attainment of sustainable growth.
This is the 15 publication of the Ideas for Peace Series "Towards a Legally Binding Instrument on the Right to Development" it was written by Dr. Mihir Kanade and it seeks to explain the overall context for the adoption of an international biding treaty to ensure this right