Radioactive Weapons Testing in California Author: Cathy Garger Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 01/10/2008 Category: Analysis II The recent article at, “Livermore Lab: What a difference a month makes” (November 15, 2007, Article ID 7469063) discusses the downgrading of the managerial role and lessened involvement of
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The twentieth century witnessed systematic, state-sponsored killings of specific ethnic, nationalist, or religious groups across continents and cultures. Much can be learned from the individual ideologies of hate and insecurity that led to each genocide, but as Habyarimana argues, they also share significant similarities. Ultimately, genocide is not a
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Reader Responces Author: Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 11/01/2007 Category: Letters to the Editor Re: Buildings Walls inthe Free World   Sorry, but having a border fence is not offensive. It’s just a fence. Good fences make for good neighbors, right? Seriously, there was fence that separated
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originally published by Truthout on October 9, 2007

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Paul Clifford reflects on his recent visit to Gaza, remarking on the courage and creativity with which people face their daily hardships, the hospitality he received, and the dishearteningly entrenched nature of violence in the Middle East.
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Journalists and activist opposed to the Kremlin are under political fire from the Russian government. Nevertheless independent media is unwavering and has a growing appeal of alternative truths. Floriana Fossato shines a light on two women at the center of the harassment reports.
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"Love in a Headscarf: Muslim Woman Seeks the One" Book Reviewed by Ethar El-Katatney
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Why individuals willingly participated in the Rwanda Genocide is a question that has been widely asked and widely begged by multiple books on the subject. Consisting of transcribed interviews with ten different perpetrators of the genocide, Machete Season still only brushes the heart of the matter: that "why" that historians
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"I know that Obama's election has brought great hopes to peace-loving people in the United States. But for Afghans, Obama's military buildup will only bring more suffering and death to innocent civilians..." -- Afghan parliamentarian Malalai Joya
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In an exclusive interview, the first since her party returned to power in April this year, Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga outlined her strategy to establish peace in Sri-Lanka. "Actually," she says, "We have gone about seventy five percent of the way to meet the Tigers request for the agenda."
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