As regional organizations facilitate economic integration, they also find themselves increasingly taking responsibility for security issues as well. This paper outlines the experience of the Africa Union, and the challenges it faces as it emerges as a guarantor of security on the continent.
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Zimbabwe's new constitution provides a legal framework for a devolved system of governance. Harmonizing with this new system, Jephias Mapuva suggests, will be to the benefit of local authorities, and the nation as a whole.
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Takuo Namisashi tells the story of Naomi Takasu's effort to bring Japan's peace constitution to the attention of the Nobel Prize committee, and explains how international recognition of Article 9, despite its flaws, could have a real impact on countering the rising militarism in Japan and the region.
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Gerald Caplan calls for personal reflection on the anniversary of the Rwandan genocide - challenging us all to unlearn our hatreds and the common assumption that only "they" are capable of evil.
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How does sex-selection technology challenge our understandings of personal agency, gender relations, and family structures? And how do the ethical implications of this technology fit with the intersecting dynamic of class and gender in the United States? Christen Kramer asks these questions and more in a provocative consideration of "family
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The Sixaola River Basin crosses the border between Costa Rica and Panama, and is home to Yorkín and Bribrí communities, raising legal and social challenges for equitable and secure water management. This paper outlines some of these challenges and makes recommendations for reducing human vulnerability to hazards (particularly floods) and
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In light of intensifying military actions in Iraq and Syria, Keith Gentry reflects on his recent visit to the Turkish-Syrian border and the many Syrian refugees he met. This article offers to share some of their stories.
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An interview conducted by Vicky Rossi with Ms Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Rector of the University for Peace, and Prof. Abelardo Brenes who is Head of the Peace Education Programme, University for Peace. The interview originally appeared on the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research website, and was conducted
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Awa Mangie Achu Samba outlines a policy for urban food security in Bamako, Mali, based on participatory governance, community gardens, and improved agricultural technology.
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Kyi Kyi Seinn discusses ASEAN Vision 2020, and looks beneath the rhetoric of peace and harmony to reveal the tensions of economic exploitation and international migration. She argues that the significant power imbalances between the original ASEAN 6 countries and the newer, less developed member states (Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand,
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