ASHOK PATNAIK, a journalist working mostly on the Indian sub-continent, questions Professor Mary King, peace activist, academic, authority on non-violence and author of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action, which is about to be reissued in India and elsewhere. Professor Mary King is currently
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Peace and Conflict Monitor news editor, Joseph Schumacher, interviewed Elisabeth Skons about her views on the current security issues facing Europe. Ms Skons is the project leader for research into 'Military Expenditure and Arms Production' at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), an institute in Sweden. SIPRI is one
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According to new theorizing in social psychology, the main function of culture is to alleviate anxiety caused by the awareness of our eventual death. In this framework, culture and religion offer answers to the meaning of life in the face of our mortality. Faith in ones own cultural world-view provides
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This case aims to use the genocide of 1994 in Rwanda to help students appreciate what may be the roots and common causes of genocides. It is written in the suspicion that there may be some sort of "recipe" that can be followed by political elites bent on the extermination
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Thailand is encountering the problematic situation of military intervention and the return of absolute monarchy. Those incidents violate human security, particularly, political security.
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Paper Presented by Gale Mohammed-Oxley on the theme of Education in a Multi-Cultural Society: Challenges and Opportunities, as part of the Trinidad and Tobago Education Conference 2011: Maximizing the Role of Education in a Changing Society.
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The paper is a review of literature on conflict, climate change and water security on Sub-Saharan Africa. It identifies poverty as a threat in Sub-Saharan African countries that may have effect on its water security. It analyses in Sub-Saharan Africa region, the conflict trend of water security in correlation with
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Victoria Fontan reports from Occupy Fallujah.
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Abukar Arman discusses the political crisis in Jubbaland in terms of the Somalian government's reaction, the potential of the crisis to trigger further unrest, and the complicating role of kenyan and Ethiopian troops.
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Shame is for Sissies Author: Peter Krupa Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 05/12/2005 A curious individual in the Washington, D.C., lobbying scene was posthumously thrust into the news spotlight this month by his obituary in the Washington Post.    Humanitarian crusader? Conflict mediator? Unsung hero in a
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