The best hope for a peaceful world where fundamental human rights are respected is for democracy to ultimately triumph in fractured societies. However, for that to happen, certain preconditions must be established including the rule of law, an independent judiciary and media, a culture that begins to ferociously resists corruption and the establishment of
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Catherine Cheweza reflects on her experiences as a woman from Malawi travelling to Costa Rica.
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It stops with me Author: Sandra Macharia Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 02/06/2008 Category: Comment Since the disputed election in Kenya on 27 December 2007, more than one thousand of my fellow Kenyans have met a violent death and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Life as
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John Holt on the Suzuki Method Author: John Holt Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 11/14/2007 Category: Book Review Before I say why I like these books, let me say a few words about how I came to know about Suzuki and what I now feel is good,
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Macedonia in hopes of EU membership finds solutions to overcome a war struck past and the divide of nationalism. Our two authors contemplate the country's "peace plan" and greatest motivation for political and economic harmony - EU integration.
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Missing from Your Curriculum? Author: Raymond G. Wilson Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/19/2007 Category: Comment My first teaching responsibilities began in 1959 in the physics course of an Illinois high school that had been the recipient of a federal grant with official U.S. Civil Defense radiation
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New Anti-corruption Drive Leaves Many Sceptical Author: IRIN Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 06/07/2007 Category: Comment The Cameroon government has launched a nationwide campaign to wipe out corruption, but citizens and diplomats are watching with a dubious eye this latest of several endeavours. President Paul Biya’s government
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OF PASTORS, POLITICIANS AND PENNIES Author: Nkirote V. Laiboni Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/25/2007 Category: Opinion If you are keen on making bags of easy money in Kenya, there are two things you might want to consider. The first is to become a preacher. The second
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Peace Parks: a Natural Alternative Author: Elaine Hsiao Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 11/02/2007 Category: Analysis II Peace Parks are essentially a type of protected area (PA) with an additional focus or objective of obtaining or maintaining peace within its boundaries. Oftentimes, you will also see it
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Planned Attack on Iran: Bush Will Expand War Before Blair Resigns Author: Michael Carmichael Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 01/30/2007 Category: Special Report The Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times reports that a “reliable source” in Washington has provided detailed information about the forthcoming US hard-power attack on
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