Kai Brand-Jacobson outines some recommendations for various actors and interest groups, including the Joint Control Commission, the EU, the US, the UN, and the Media. Rather than escalating and intensifying this conflict, these groups must realize that a peaceful resolution and a return to dialogue is in everyone's best interest.
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author : Marco Rosaire Rossi topic : Israeli occupation | Gaza | Palestine | Israel lobby | United Nations
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Drawing on her extensive experience with UN peacekeeping operations, including serving as Senior Gender Advisor for MINUSTAH, Nadine Puechguirbal discusses some of the ongoing challenges to gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping missions, and ultimately, the creation of a more just society.
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Hamas: Behind the masks Author: Rami Khouri Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 08/07/2008 Israel, the United States, and some other countries reject dealing with Hamas because they see it purely as a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel’s destruction. The reality is more complex. Hamas certainly has committed
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How do peacebuilders promote change? Author: Laura Harms Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 08/09/2008 Category: Comment As our summer program came to an end last week, I asked students to reflect on their role as individuals and members of organizations in promoting change. For me as well
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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply rooted in history and politics, and will not be resolved without profound changes in attitudes and policies. As Scott Atran and Jeremy Ginges show, however, a lot can be accomplished with a simple apology.
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World Food Day: October 16 Author: Kerri Drumm Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/06/2008 The current economic fears and impending US recession highlight the vulnerably of millions worldwide and make this year’s World Food Day particularity relevant. The theme, World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change
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President Kibaki and Mr Raila Odinga have signed a power-sharing agreement, thereby taking an important step toward political stability and peace in the region. As Wangari Maathai points out, however, many issues of justice and reconciliation remain to be addressed, including the human cost of recent violence and the underlying
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Kosovo: majority rule vs historical right Author: Ross Ryan Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/17/2008 Category: Editorial Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February provoked strong reactions around the world, calling attention once again to the political importance of the Balkan region, and confronting the international community
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La Carpio is a poor community in Costa Rica, nestled against a wealthy enclave of North American and European ex-patriots. Lynn Schneider takes a sobering look at the discrimination and inequalities faced by residents of La Carpio, demonstrating that cultural and structural violence are deeply ingrained, even in a country
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