Huma Rights scholar Peter Reat Gatkuoth discusses the continued gender inequality in South Sudan, as well as Africa at large, despite the traditional veneration of women as mothers and caregivers, and the existence of legal documents (including national constitutions) which proclaim the equal rights of women. The author argues that
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Biofuels have been presented as a solution to many social and economic problems, and have attracted equally strong criticism. In Colombia, palm oil production has been suggested as an alternative to coca, however, as Olivia Gilmore explains, the scheme may cause as many problems as it solves.
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Jesaka Sekmet, co-founder of Free Sara Kruzan, explains the details of Sara's story and the circumstances around her conviction to life in prison. On September 18, 2012 Riverside District Attorney Paul Zellerbach will decide whether Sara will be released with time served. The National Campaign to Free Sara Kruzan is
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The faltering economies and tighter budgets of Europe and America, the traditional providers of development financing, have left organizations and communities wondering where the continued funding of their development projects will come from. In this special report, veteran fundraiser and development guru Jürgen Carls reviews the remaining instruments and possibilities
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Pepperdine University graduate student Dusty Bates Farned has an uncomfortable experience with a homeless man in Los Angeles and reflects on his own fight or flight response.
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Women and women’s bodies have become a central element in development. This article examines structural adjustment programs (SAPs) in Kenya, which sought to control women’s bodies in order to reach the desired fertility rates and economic growth. After reviewing the history and ideologies behind SAPs, as well as their contradictory
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Researcher Mathew G Ituma discusses US gun culture and the recent shooting in a Colorado movie theater in light of Dr Peter Langman's research into the psychology of young killers. The three aspects highlighted by the author are trauma, psychosis, and psychopathy, as well as general social dynamics, gender, and
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This study compares attitudes towards foreign language study among students specializing in organizational management in economic programes in representative towns and cities in Russia with reference to socio-economic indictors.
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Researcher Pamela Huerta offers a nuanced review of Mexico’s anti-drug policy and untangles some of the many socio-economic, political, and institutional factors that have led to heightened levels of violence in the country. As the author demonstrates, the Mexican case sheds light on the larger questions of violence in the
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Founder and Editor of Peace Education: an International Journal, Dr. Surya Nath Prasad offers an empassioned perspective on conflict and violence within the framework of "valuelessness" resulting from "widespread miseducation for a priveleged few and non-education" for many. Prasad argues for the creation of values for sustainable peace and nonviolence
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