New report by the UN Support Mission in Libya and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights documents widespread human rights abuses and other violations of international law.
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Key words: UN, millennium development goals (MDGs), financial crisis, poverty, economic turbulance, collective security, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
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This is the full transcript of Dr Fritjof Capra's keynote address at the International Forum organized by Earth Charter International and the University for Peace on the theme of "Finding Synergies and Building Bridges: Reorienting Education towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption, and Global Citizenship" held in Costa Rica on March
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With a view to promoting public discussion and debate about these agreements, we present here an analysis of the implications and scope of some of those that have already been signed. We also analyse the implications of some European Union documents, published over the last two years, that set out
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The future is here, the world is changing, and the United Nations must as well. In view of that, the United Nations Intellectual History Project (UNIHP) nears completion. It identifies three types of challenges for the UN: Intellectual, participatory, and personnel. Louis Emmerij, co-director of the UNIHP, brings us this
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Author George Crile published Charlie Wilson's War in 2003. The former CBS journalist began researching the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan around the 1980's. Crile investigated the life and work of Charlie Wilson, a former U.S. State Representative from Texas and former U.S. naval officer. Wilson is most known for leading
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Conquering the hearts and mind of Kosovars with a copy of The Old Man and the Sea makes a refreshing change from Apache tank busters and battle fleets. Equally refreshing in Huntley’s short and readable book is her honesty, and, at times, non-dogmatic insights, humbly presented.
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Hansoal Park analyzes South Korea's historical post-war economic development process, known as the 'Miracle on the Han River'. Shedding light on widespread abuse of labour rights as the means toward economic growth under the 18-year dictatorship of Park Chung Hee, she raises the controversial question of whether human rights repression
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This paper, on the basis of available literature and organizations’ experiences, aims to evaluate and analyze the institutional limitations and weaknesses of the police and judicial sector of Afghanistan’s security sector. Understanding the trends and inadequate practices in the services delivery systems of the Afghan security sector will set the
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The fertile lands between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the wheat planes just south of Basra were, until the 1980s, the base of a robust agricultural sector in modern Iraq. This essay traces the steady and tragic decline of the Iraqi food system over the last 3 decades, emphasizing
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