This article introduces a gender-framed analysis of the Iraq war and continuing occupation. Through this analysis the author illustrates how the coalition forces’ ignorance of the cultural context within which their actions took place has impeded upon women’s empowerment. By analysing the conflict and occupation within the framework of honour
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In the past few years the international community has seen a rise in international terrorism, and international law has been stunned with a new problem that it has not been prepared for. Without international legislation defining what constitutes international terrorism, no alternative dispute settlement bodies are prepared to deal with
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Demonstrations began on September 17 in Hungary after a speech by the Prime Minister had been leaked, in which he said that the government lied to the people to stay in power. The protests turned violent: a group of extreme rightists and football fans besieged the public service television, burned
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University for Peace PhD Candidate Harout Akdedian presents grassroots perspectives on the Syrian crisis and an analysis of today’s socio-political reality in the Middle East.
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US influence in El Salvador’s civil war Author: Oscar Alvarado Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 03/06/2009 In El Salvador the rich and powerful have systematically defrauded the poor and denied eighty percent of the people any voice in the affairs of their country. A revolution is now
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When Uzbek soldiers fired on protestors this past May, it drew international attention from media groups, NGOs and governments around the globe. The incident, however, was only the latest of what has been a pattern of violence and oppression by Islam Karimov’s totalitarian regime. Meanwhile, as the incident has cooled
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As 50 years old Mordechai Vanunu was released last month after 18 years in prison, Aki Orr reminds us that the campaign to make the Middle East a zone free of all weapons of mass-destruction under international control continues.
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Violence Next Door: “Third Party” People-to-People Initiatives in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Author: Daniel Noah Moses Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/16/2007 This past Thursday, in Hebron, I stood on a hill, at the edge of the Old City. Looking down, I could see the place where, according
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During my travels across Indonesia, I saw the ongoing devastation that these two bombings, along with other worldwide incidents have had on the people of Indonesia. I have traveled in Indonesia off and on, since 1997, just as Indonesia was undergoing the first pangs of its financial crisis and subsequent
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Colette Hellenkamp delves into the complexity of violence in El Salvador, touching on both obstacles and potential pathways to constructing a culture of peace. Her analysis highlights the challenges of outflow migration, socio-economic and power inequalities, governmental ineptitude in addressing root causes of violence, rampant gang activity and organized crime,
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