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“Reflections away from the Fray” and “Awake from Thy Slumber” are testimonies of two friends and fellow Malaysians. The two essays depict each person’s involvement in the BERSIH 2.0 rally for clean and fair elections held in July 2011, one in New York as an overseas Malaysian fearing for her
Kenji Urata, Vice-President of the International Association Of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), reviews a recent publication that records the legal struggle of those who have suffered illnesses induced by exposure to atomic weapons. This article is an English translation of the original Japanese, published 2012 in the journal
- June 20, 2020
An increasingly powerful protest movement has taken root in the Canadian province of Quebec. This article discusses its origins, its strategic development, and its potential impact on progressive politics in Canada as a whole.
Aingkaran Kugathasan details the multi-faceted impact of Sri Lanka's decades-long civil conflict on poverty, emphasizing the role of ethnic relations, migration and public policy in addressing socioeconomic challenges in the post-conflict period.
Recently, Mexico inaugurated a new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, on the 1st December 2012, who promised to boost the economy, and reduce organised crime. The return of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) after a 12 years absence has not been a welcome change for the whole population. Mass protests against
Analysis of global tourism's role in supporting child sex tourism, with specific emphasis on the case of Sri Lanka, where there are an estimated 30,000 child sex workers.
The discovery of oil in Uganda places high hopes but also poses challenges for the country, thus it is both a blessing and a curse. Various literature and documents are reviewed in this paper to validate my personal experience and observation from the civil society perspective, that many conflicts including
An open letter to US President Barack Obama following his speech to the United Nations on the issue of Palestinian statehood.
Fausto Aarya De Santis gives an overview of the long-standing debate about security council reform, and asks the key question: can it really be changed at all? And if it can, what would an expanded, representative security council look like?
Miranda Ronghi offers deep analysis into the precedent-setting truth and reconciliation process as experienced in Argentina’s decades-long transition to democracy following a violently repressive military dictatorship.