Lorem ipsum dolor.
Nuclear weapons could not proliferate if they did not exist. Because they do, they will. The policy implication of this logic is that the best guarantee of nuclear nonproliferation is nuclear disarmament through a nuclear weapons convention that bans the possession, acquisition, testing and use of nuclear weapons, by everyone. This would solve the
- June 24, 2020
Nuclear Dangers and Challenges to a New Nuclear Policy Author: David Krieger Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 01/04/2008 Category: Policy It is worthwhile asking the question: What are nuclear weapons? In some respects the answer to this question may seem obvious, but this is not necessarily the
- June 23, 2020
The UN, through its mission in the DRC, has embarked in its most ambitious electoral-support endeavor yet. Rafael Velasquez our South Africa correspondent had the opportunity to meet up with General Mujahid Alam, Head of the Pretoria Liaison Office of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
- June 23, 2020
Oh Canada, don’t forsake the peacemakers Author: MEDEA BENJAMIN Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/24/2007 Category: Peace and Conflict News As a U.S. peace activist trying to change the aggressive foreign policies of my government, I have often looked to Canada for inspiration. While Canada’s involvement in
- June 23, 2020
As Francesca Musiani writes, the widest mass of Internet end users is now located in an undemocratic country, allowing only a “tamed” version of the Internet, wrapped in state censorship and control. In this special report, Musiani discusses the unique Chinese internet experience and the implications of media regulation on
- June 23, 2020
On Violence: A Reappraisal of Hannah Arendt’s General Theory of Violence Author: Sean English Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on 03/16/2007 In relation to the justifications and rationalizations that are generally and normatively used to legitimise some forms of violence and delegitimize other forms of violence, Arendt sets
Seeking a solution to climate change, some environmentalists are now controversially advocating nuclear power.
- June 23, 2020
Key words: Ethiopia, USA, Somaila, foreign occupation, terrorism, insurgency, political Islam, financial crisis, peace, democracy, horn of Africa, regional conflict, Islamic Courts Union (ICU), Transitional Federal Government (TFG)
- June 23, 2020
Three years after the historic Memorandum of Understanding was signed, Endro Kristanto discusses the long standing struggle between Aceh independence advocates and the Indonesian government, the current challenges to peace, and the necessities of building trust, protecting human rights, and moving towards political reconciliation.
Samantha Garcia discusses social and institutional mechanisms for post-conflict reconstruction, with an emphasis on the need for cooperation and coordination between UN programmes, and between the UN and regional organizations. In this way, the specificities of each post-conflict situation, and the wide range of challenges faced by conflict-affected communities and
- June 23, 2020