Lorem ipsum dolor.
Friedman Takes a Taxi Outta Town Author: Simon Stander Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 11/29/2006 Category: Editorial As an elderly comedian I once met, unwilling to think of his death or any one else’s, referred to the death of a friend as his “taking a taxi outta
- June 25, 2020
Key words: youth violence – gangs – maras – anti-maras law – plan Mano Dura – sustainable peacebuilding – La Cordinadora
- June 25, 2020
Nation's First Referendum Expected to Decide Fate of U.S. Free-Trade Pact
- June 25, 2020
It is clear that what happened in Honduras last week was not a straightforward military coup; Mr Zelaya is not just against the military, but also the congress (minus some minority representatives) and the rest of the “ruling class”, who control business and media, and to which he and his
- June 25, 2020
Nansiri Iamsuk discusses the complex challenge posed to human rights and peace by the multi-billion dollar human trafficking industry. Focusing on Southeast Asia, Iamsuk shows how victims are deceived and exploited by international criminals, and then ignored or mistreated by governments and/or NGOs that are supposed to help them.
Key words:
- June 24, 2020
Inclusive Education in Serbia Author: Kosana Beker Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 12/06/2007 Category: Essay For the children with disabilities, two different types of educational systems can be broadly recognized: special education systems and inclusive education systems. The term “special education” was long used to describe the
- June 24, 2020
Indonesia’s Move against Terrorism Author: Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 02/15/2006 Category: Special Report Jemaah Islamiyah (or Al Jamaa’ah Al Islamiyah – Islamic Group) is a radical Islamic network active in Australia and southeast Asia. An Al-Qaida linked group that has been blamed
- June 24, 2020
Iraq in the Balance Author: Peter Krupa Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 06/09/2006 Category: Editorial Few people would disagree that George W. Bush’s stated goals in Iraq – spreading democracy and quelling the threat of Islamic extremism – are indeed worthwhile. What most of the world objects
- June 24, 2020
Is Iraq Another Vietnam? It is Already Lost Author: Robert Freeman Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 10/27/2006 Category: Special Report Wars are lost before they are quit. The Germans lost World War II by the end of 1942 when their Sixth Army was destroyed at Stalingrad. Yet,
- June 24, 2020
Noriko Hashimoto discusses the legal and political arguments around the deployment of Japan's self defense forces (SDF) for overseas missions, going beyond the constitutional debate to question the broader concept of national contributions to international society.
- June 24, 2020