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Only Men Have Last Names Author: Manuela Dviri Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 04/20/2004 Category: Comment Only Men Have Last Names Last month we celebrated the International Women s Day. There is no need for celebrating an International Men s Day, since men are getting along pretty
- July 2, 2020
Peace Education on the Brink Author: Sabrina Sideris Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 11/18/2005 Category: Conciliation Biking walking climbing with your own two feet two hands, navigation services provided by your own eyes, lashes your only windshield-wipers, without horsepower or combustion engine, powered by the muscles in
- July 2, 2020
The author, analysing the nature of the conflict in her country, sees a way out to resolve over forty years of conflict in Colombia. She puts reconciliation before prosecution and punishment.
- July 2, 2020
How to rebuild societies after wars in order to achieve sustainable peace has been a key question in the international community since the end of the Cold War. With numerous interventions to halt intrastate conflicts and prevent a return to war, international practitioners and academics alike have sought clear answers
- July 2, 2020
Poems for Peace Author: Olumide Olaniyan Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/10/2005 Category: Diaries RAPED BY THE INCUBUS In the hot sun By the side of the road The incubus over-powered us Tore off our flesh Leaked our blood with snake-like tongue Like dying stones, we
- July 2, 2020
Martin Meredith tells the fascinating and horrifying tale of the last 50 years of African history in The Fate of Africa: From the hopes of freedom to the heart of despair. The book is exhaustive and exhausting, and leaves one wondering where to turn for new hope.
- July 2, 2020
C.K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits, Wharton School Publishing, 2005, ISBN 0-13-146750-6, pp. 401 plus CD
- July 2, 2020
On the ground in Afghanistan, pre-election tension and hope.
- July 2, 2020
Remembering Rwanda Author: Ross Ryan Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 04/09/2009 Category: Editorial Rwanda is a small country, but it occupies a central place in the discourse of peace and conflict studies, illustrating the full range of the human capacity for violence, as well as forgiveness and
- July 2, 2020
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon addresses the Geneva Lecture in Switzerland, emphasizing the need to prioritize disarmament and forward the Millennium Development Goals.
- July 2, 2020