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On Sunday April 25, a group of 25 Palestinian women met at Biddu’s city council to have peaceful women’s march against the destruction of their land, the ghettoization of their community and the persisting escalation of violence from the Israeli army against nonviolent demonstrators. As with most peacefull demonstrations
The Washington Office on Latin America has been working to improve conditions in Latin America for thirty years. It's founder, a native of Colorado and resident of Costa Rica, remembers the early days. This is the first of a two part interview with the editor.
Books Received II Author: Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 09/20/2004 Recent Books Received Two on Terrorism..By and Against the State Yevgeny Primakov, A World Challenged: Fighting Terrorism in the Twent-First Century, Brookings Institution Press, 204, pp. 150 The author was Russian prime minsiter 1998-9, and like
- July 4, 2020
In a world where many people expect progress with each generation, most of the young Central Asia are worse off than their parents. They have higher rates of illiteracy, unemployment, poor health, and drug use, and they are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of violence. The Central Asian
“There is scope for a workable compromise in Mostar that can win support from all concerned”, says Senad Slatina, Sarajevo-based analyst for ICG, “and it is a solution that can be applied as a model for city government throughout the Federation and BiH."
Maoist rebels and totalitarian monarchs are the order of the day for mainstream media coverage of Nepal. But lives are being lived beneath the political radar, and in a small village on the outskirts of Kathmandu, one man (known only as "Papa") has been making a difference by remodeling an
"Today, it is exactly like in 1993. Nobody had thought of organizing relief services for survivors, casualties and the hundreds of thousands of displaced persons. Other countries have professional disaster relief services. As for us, we vegetate in daily catastrophes and such services are inexistent.
BURUNDI’S UNKNOWN HEROES Author: Susan Koscis, Search for Common Ground Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/18/2004 BURUNDI’S UNKNOWN HEROES The story of Burundi’s heroes is one of humanity against all odds. It is a story of courage in the midst of crisis, of defiance in the
The Kashmir bus service is a nice confidence building measure, but nothing more. India should remain cautious, as such signs of good will have, in the past, led to brutal conflicts.
Cell phones make Peace? Author: Simon Stander Originally Published at Peace and Conflict Monitor on: 03/14/2005 All sorts of proposals have been made to drag warring nations out of violent conflict, especially in Africa, and ensure that the ensuing peace brings dividends in the form of increased welfare. Very